You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love. - Henry Drummond

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Change, I guess can be good

In an attempt to add to my blog, I made some changes that I didn't want to make. I actually created a new blog in the process that is more of what I want. Please make the change if you have my blog linked to your page. The new blog address is Sorry for any inconvience this may have caused. Thanks!

The Joys of Being a Stay at Home Mom

Thanks to my wonderful husband, I get to stay home with my almost five month old daughter Grace. I also keep a little boy named Andrew that is six weeks older than Grace during the week. This blog will now be a collection of my thoughts and a record of the different events, adventures and stories that will follow as I go through the day to day with these two precious little babies. As you will also notice, I also changed the name of my blog. Hope you enjoy.

This is a picture of Andrew and Grace playing on Monday.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Grace and Her Big Girl Chair

We have the most amazing high chair I have ever seen. We received it as a gift at one of the baby showers and it is awesome. It has seven different levels of height adjustment, 3 reclining positions, it folds up and it has a tray that can be opened from the sides or the front. It even has a parent helper tray. Anyways, sorry to ramble, but it is the greatest invention I have come across yet. I just remember feeding my nieces in their walkers and wishing I didn't have to sit on the floor to reach them!

Grace absolutely loves it. She feels like she can see more and that she is included instead of being so much lower than everyone else. She also loves to watch mommy cook while playing with some toys in it and watching tv in it. I think I forgot to mention that it's on wheels too so it's easy to move around.

Anyways, the picture is of her playing in the chair while I was cooking the other day. She was getting ready for a bath after a changing so pardon the picture but she doesn't have any clothes on.

Here is a link to more information on the high chair, its an evenflo expressions high chair.

Alexandra & Victoria's Visit

My nieces (identical twins) Alexandra & Victoria came to visit and stayed with us for about 2 weeks. We had a great time visiting and we have missed having them around. We went to the beach,went swimming at the Bahm's (awesome pool), did crafts and made tons of food. It's amazing how much a ten year old eats, especially with two to feed!

Anyways, we had a great time and we took tons of pictures of the girls and Grace. They loved doing anything with her that they could. The called her "princess Grace".